Friday, August 29, 2014

The Zombie Knight Seventh Oath: Lord and Castle Review

     The Zombie Knight is a story that is published on the web almost daily here: I currently read it whenever a new oath is finished. An oath is a group of chapters that form a story arc or a kind of mega-chapter. Actually, an oath is probably about the size of a very long chapter in a novel (there is another one out there now which I'm going to read when I'm done this review!). Many oaths string together until they become a novel-sized story arc.
      The Zombie Knight is one of my favorite...things. It's so great. In total, I definitely give it a perfect score. But I'm not going to review it in total, I'm going to review each oath as I go through them. This might prove difficult, as it's almost like trying to review just a chapter of a book. But hey, let's give it a try.


      Actually, maybe this oath is a good place to start. The big over-arching story line of Abolish trying to invade Atreya and seed a war is concluded after Harper's berserk rampage in the sixth oath. At Voreese's insistence Hector has accepted a castle as a reward from the queen for his work in defending the country.
      The castle is very, very interesting. We find out why Voreese cares so much about it as Hector works to restore it and moves in there with his mother, who seems to be doing better, and a couple of servants who are assigned to work for him. Of course it's awkward for him to have some servants and his mother around, but I have a good feeling about it. The castle, Warrenhold, has some amazing characteristics, the least of which is the fact that most of it is underground, and that it is very large. Voreese sheds light on why she wanted Hector to take this castle. Those reasons, and some of the other things revealed about the castle, range from amazing to downright revolutionary. Let's just say that Hector's new digs are something really, really special and I can see the place playing a major role in the story.
      Hector's good name is restored and he even has some contact with members of the public who know who he is and what he can do. Meanwhile Lynette takes up a new position within royal household and starts to get a reputation of her own.
     Lord and Castle follows our heroes around for a bit, then starts into an all new story with all new characters. I don't want to spoil who or what these characters are, but I will say we get to see a few days in the life of a family who serves one of the major groups in the story. They live in an interesting city in a different country, and their kids live ordinary lives, going to school, playing with friends, and pursuing crushes. But the lives of the parents are anything but normal. They are high-ranking servants, and this affects the children quite drastically.
     This oath is pretty laid back as Hector explores the mysteries of his new digs and new characters are introduced and go about their normal (sort of) lives. It's laid back, that is, until a big shake-up in the new characters lives leads to out-of-control action scenes. As is standard for The Zombie Knight, these are really imaginative and wonderful. I especially liked the scene where a character with a power-type that we've seen before that seems kind of weak really puts on a show in a scene that evokes a movie scene with lots of tight shots, similar to a shoot-out or a martial arts fight scene.
      By the end I was quite invested in what's going to happen to several of these new characters. I'm very excited to see where things go from here for Hector and his crew as well as what goes down with the new characters and how that is going to effect the old favorites.
     The Zombie Knight is one of the best stories around. This chunk of the story is excellent as usual. I'm giving it a perfect score because of how solid it is as the beginning of a new story, the way it works with the characters we know and love, and the directions it's taking the story into the future with both sets. It's a great story, tier 1!!! Go read the whole thing!

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